Does the pinch method work for diabetes? Pinch method comes under the class of alternative therapy for treating diabetes. It is the way of the ancient era. The question arises whether it works or not.
People suffering from diabetes or has low or high glucose level suffer severe health problems, which can influence their better life and achieving goal or destination. Assume that the young man with severe responsibilities for their family or who wants to enjoy the glitters of life suffers from high blood sugar levels. How can he manage? Obvious health conditions affect their life.
What is the pinch method for diabetes?
The pinch method is pressing specific points( where there is a nerve ending) for a specific time to activate the nerve signals. It increases insulin sensitivity and decreases blood sugar levels.
People may be pre-diabetic, acute, or chronic diabetic. We should decide on the treatment strategy Depending on the sugar level and the patient’s condition.
How much time you should pinch:
30- 60 seconds for each area to get the best result.

Normal range of blood sugar level:
For type 2 diabetes, the fasting blood sugar level is 80-130mg/dl
The regular random blood sugar level 2 hours after meal is less than 180 mg/dl.
If the blood sugar level is raised from these regular values, it may be a sign of diabetes and pre-diabetic conditions.
What is the role of insulin in lowering diabetes:
The insulin hormone is released from the beta cells of the pancreas. Then, it helps the utilization of glucose in the body to produce energy. First, inulin is released from the pancreas and then binds with the cells, giving them signals to take in glucose.
In diabetic suffering, individuals are either unable to make insulin or don’t use insulin sufficiently. This causes an increased level of glucose in the blood. The therapy includes either the increased sensitivity of insulin or injecting insulin.
What are the symptoms of hyperglycemia:
Some of the symptoms of hyperglycemic is given below:
- Body weight decrease
- Fatigue and tiredness
- Increased thrust
- Increased urination
- Body or muscular pain
- Dry mouth
- Headache
These are common symptoms. It varies from individual to individual.
What are the Pinch points for diabetes:
1-Pinch your wrist’s skin gently right below the palm.
2- Temples: the points on the head just above the eyebrows
3- The base of the skull or back of the neck
4-Top of the back neck where the head meets the spine
The objective of this light pressure is to encourage low blood sugar levels and the breakdown of glucose.

Does the pinch method work for diabetes?
Research regarding the effectiveness of the pinch method for diabetes:
There is not enough scientific data to approve the medical level. However, numerous studies and research have been done on the pinch method, which effectively lowers diabetes.
The report published on 25 August 2023 in the National Institute of Health:
In type 2 diabetic patients, self-acupressure as an alternative supplemental therapy can decrease FBS and raise insulin levels.
The study’s findings showed that self-acupressure is a simple complementary therapy that patients with type 2 diabetes can use to control their blood glucose levels without visiting a medical facility. It is also practical, appropriate, and affordable. The overall effect on FBS and insulin levels, considering the quality and quantity of acupressure protocol applied to the determined points.
Additionally, These therapies may affect the amount of glycosylated haemoglobin and FBS in individuals with insulin resistance, as well as the prevention of blood sugar spikes in high-risk situations with hyperglycemic risk factors. Due to the tiny amount of the effect, the authors advise conducting further RCTs under controlled circumstances.
Alternative non-pharmacological treatment of pinch method for diabetes to reduce blood sugar level:
Some alternative therapies are given below to control the blood sugar level.
- Daily exercise
- Don’t take stress.
- Adequate amount of sleep
- Drink plenty of water.
- Manage and monetize your sugar level.
- Avoid carbohydrate meals.
- Taking more fibrous, chromium, and magnesium-rich food
- Not overeat once
- Mainataince of weight
- Mediation and yoga
- Take the remedies which have anti-diabetic effects:
It includes:
- Vinegar
- Fenugreek seeds
- cinnamon
Lifestyle and having a healthy diet are also some of the most critical parameters for lowering blood sugar levels. The pinch method and nonpharmacological treatment are also much more effective.
Care must be taken for chronic and uncontrolled hyperglycemia; you should take the pharmacological strategy.
Frequently ask a question?
Does the pinch method really work for diabetes?
There is no final evidence. However, some researchers suggest that it really works. It is self-pressure, safe and cost-effective, and quickly individuals can do it themselves. It increases the long-term effect of anti-diabetic medicine.
Is the acupressure and pinch method the same for diabetes?
There is a slight difference between acupressure and self-pressure.
Acupressure is a traditional Chinese method. It involves applying pressure to specific body points.
Whereas the Pinch method is self-acupressure that involves pinching certain body areas.
Some evidence suggests that acupressure can help lower blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.
However, more research is required. The scientific evidence of the pinch method does not support it.
What is the pinch method for blood sugar? It is actually the pressing of some specific points that send signals to increase insulin sensitivity.
The second question arises: Does the pinch method work for diabetes? The scientific data is more towards the acupressure. Scientifically, acupressure works in decreasing the blood sugar level. Pinch method and acupressure both exert pressure on specific points, which really work in decreasing the blood sugar level.
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