Pressure point for hiccups has tremendous role to stop hiccups but be remembered it has limited significant; long term or pathological causes of hiccups needs proper treatment or professional medical advice is crucial.
The involuntary muscle spasm of the diaphragm causes a sudden intake of breath that gets abruptly interrupted by the closure of the vocal cords, producing the characteristic “hic” sound. The diaphragm is the main muscle involved in breathing.
It can be triggered by irritation of the nerves controlling the diaphragm, stomach distention, sudden temperature changes, strong emotions, and more. The exact cause is often unknown.
Episodes are normally short-lived, but can sometimes persist for long term due to any physiological conditions.
Treatments for short-term hiccups include breathing techniques, drinking water, swallowing sugar, and medications. Persistent hiccups may require medication or medical procedures.
Babies often get hiccups and they are considered normal and harmless. Adults get them less often. Men are more prone to hiccups than women. They are commonly non-pathologic; But here, explore the acupressure points to stop hiccups
How to get rid of hiccups immediately through pressure point:
Cuanzhu (BL2) pressure point to treat intractable hiccups1:

According to Chinese medicine traditions, BL2 belongs to the bladder Meridian Foot Taiyang. In this, pressure is by Using both thumbs at the medial end of both eyebrows for 2-3 points; during this patient takes a deep breath and holds it for 30 seconds. It is effective in treating intractable hiccups or patients who have many physiological conditions and taking medications for hiccups.
TE17 is also helpful to immediately stop hiccups2:

This point is helpful to stop hiccups in adults immediately. It is located behind the ea lobe.
CV17 Pressure point:

It is found on the anterior midline of the body, in the center of the sternum at the 4th intercostal space between the 4th and 5th ribs. CV17 lies midway in the line between the nipples. You can palpate the point with your fingers and apply steady, gentle pressure on CV17. Avoid applying too much pressure, as this point is over the heart and major blood vessels.
Hand pressure points for hiccups P6:

It is found in the forearm away from the distance of three fingers or 2 inches from the wrist. It is effective in dighparm muscle relaxant in addition to getting relief from nausea and vomiting.
Foot pressure points for hiccups:

SP4 points are located on the medial of the foot. It is beneficial for the heart, and chest and relaxes the diaphragm.
Common Causes and Reasons for Hiccups3:
Reasons for Short-term hiccups:
Hiccups can sometimes occur for no apparent reason, but there are also some common causes:
- Eating meal quickly
- Drinking carbonated beverages or alcoholic drink
- Emotionally excited triggering hiccups
- Ingestion air; during meal,
- Smoking
Long term hiccups due to some physiological disorders:
- Gerd
- Laryngitis
- Mass or cyst in the neck or on the thyroid gland
- Multiple sclerosis
- Stroke
- Serious brain injury
- Electrolyte imbalance
- Renal diseases
- Certain drugs or medications
If you experience short-term hiccups, they can often be relieved with simple remedies. However, if hiccups persist for more than 48 hours, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
The pressure point for hiccups in babies:
UB24 is located where the bridges of the nose to the ridges of your eyebrows. By applying pressure on this point open block sinuses and relieve hiccups.
Cause of hiccups in infants:
Normally hiccups are triggered by the nerve that is connected with the diaphragm and the brain. It is normally triggered by abnormal eating patterns, excess ingestion, or eating wrong time. Baby hiccups reflexes start even before they are born.
Precautions before applying pressure on babies:
- Be very gentle – a baby’s skin is delicate. Never press hard.
- Press for about 30 seconds in a circular motion and release. Repeat 2-3 times.
- Avoid stomach after feeding time, as pressure may cause discomfort or vomiting.
- Use pressure therapy not more than 1 minute total for babies.
How to prevent hiccups in infants:
- Feed slowly
- Burp after feeding
- Keep the baby upright position as much as gives comfort; This may avoid more air to be sucked in.
- Baby pacifiers may also give relaxation to newborns.
Tips; How to stop hiccups immediately:
- Stimulate vagal nerves by sipping ice water. Or ice water gargling.
- Sucking up the lemon juice.
- Swallow a teaspoon of vinegar
- By swallowing sugar crystals.
How do you get rid of hiccups in 10 seconds through breathing exercises:
Breathe in and hold it for 20 seconds; then inhale 3-4 times before exhaling slowly.
Breathe in and exhale slowly in a paper bag covering your nose and mouth.
For a couple of minutes, sit comfortably like your knees hug your chest.
Keep pressure on the diaphragm by compressing or leaning the chest area.
Pinch your nose, hold your breath, and then exhale slowly.
It may give instant relief from hiccups.
home remedies like drinking water or holding your breath may provide temporary relief for occasional hiccups, evidence-based methods like deep breathing exercises and diaphragmatic breathing can be more effective in relieving persistent hiccups
Frequently Ask A question:
What stops hiccups immediately?
By doing breathing exercises in a paper bag
swallowing ice cubes.
sipping lemon juice or vinegar.
Bending or leaning; pressing the diaphragm gives instant relief.
Hold your breath for a few seconds.
What pressure point stops hiccups?
Researches show that the TE17 point behind the ear lobe is the best pressure point for hiccups.
Pericardium 6: It can calm the nervous system and relieve spasms.
Liver 3: Found on top of the foot, in the depression between the first and second toes. Stimulating this point helps regulate breathing and diaphragmatic motion.
Large Intestine 4: Located between the thumb and index finger. It relieves chest and abdominal distension that can trigger hiccups.
CV 22 and CV12 are Located at the center of the suprasternal notch, between collar bones. Useful for calming hiccups caused by stress.
Can massage stop hiccups?
Yes, massage can be an effective way to stop hiccups. Here are some ways that massage may help alleviate hiccups. Applying pressure to vagus nerve pathways – The vagus nerve helps control the diaphragm and vocal cords. Massaging areas like the ears, neck, and upper back can stimulate the vagus nerve and disrupt hiccup reflexes.
Massaging the chest and abdomen area can help relax and stretch the diaphragm muscle. Massage induces relaxation, which can relieve anxiety that may be causing hiccups. Massage can also release muscle tension.
In short, Acupressure is a technique used in traditional Chinese medicine. While it may provide relief for some people, scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited. Individual results may vary.
- Eroglu O. The effect of gender differences in protracted hiccups. Niger J Clin Pract 2018;21:1356–60. [PubMed] [Google Scholar] ↩︎
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