How Meditation to heal the body

How meditation to heal the body

by admin in 500px Blog • 8:26 pm

Meditation to heal the body; Meditation is a world of peace where the soul departs into a world of calmness. The body becomes a relaxed whole triangle of soul, mind and body heals by deep diving into the tranquil waves of the ocean. In what ways Meditation to heal the body: Meditation and healing the […]


Meditation is not what you think: mindfulness and why it is so important

by admin in 500px Blog • 8:11 pm

Meditation is not what you think: mindfulness and why it is important to is easily understood by meditator; and who got excellent results.

what is the difference between yoga and meditation

What is the difference between yoga and meditation?

by admin in 500px Blog • 7:00 pm

What is the difference between yoga and Meditation? The main difference is that yoga involves different yoga postures. Through this, the practitioner tries to achieve the maximum level of benefits. as it is related to physical exercise.


What are Meditation and its excellent benefits

by admin in 500px Blog • 7:22 pm

Sit in a calm environment. Focus your attention goal point. Lay down all the thoughts or the line of thinking. Think about love and kindness.

These are elements of Meditation. It improves and maintains your energy for achieving the goals and Puzzles out the problem. What are meditation and its excellent benefits?

Meditation Urdu means Muraqba. It is practiced in every religion and viewed as the most essential and fundamental exercise of spiritualism.
