what is the difference between yoga and meditation

What is the difference between yoga and meditation?

by admin in 500px Blog • 7:00 pm

What is the difference between yoga and Meditation? The main difference is that yoga involves different yoga postures. Through this, the practitioner tries to achieve the maximum level of benefits. as it is related to physical exercise.

How can activities such as yoga and meditation serve as alternatives to drug use

How can activities such as yoga and meditation serve as alternatives to drug use:

by admin in 500px Blog • 9:14 am

Pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical methods are both helpful in curing diseases. In case, non-pharmaceutical involves spiritual techniques such as yoga, meditation and color therapy. As a matter of fact, some people do not want to take drugs to cure their ailments. So they follow alternative methods. Instead of taking medications, they can practice certain alternative activities. It includes such as yoga. Color therapy, acupuncture and meditation. Undoubtedly, it helps to cure many diseases. Like, as insomnia, depression, anxiety and other medical issues.
