Which is the best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases caused by a high-calorie diet?
When you are conscious about your health or when you know the meaning, full worth of health. Then you can automatically decide forcefully maintain a strategy for avoiding a high-calorie diet.`
Which is the best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases caused by a high-calorie diet? It includes intake of whole grains full of fiber, healthy meals, limit unsaturated fats and sugar and colaborate with healthy life style.
Which chronic diseases are caused by high-calorie diet:
- Consuming too many calories results in weight gain and obesity.
- Obesity may invite the development of a number of chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancers.
Diabetes type 2:
- High-calorie diets can cause insulin resistance, which can result in the onset of type 2 diabetes.
- Diabetes is a chronic disease that may become the root cause of certain other diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, cataracts, and kidney diseases.
Heart disease and stroke risk:
- High-calorie diets, particularly those high in saturated fats can raise cholesterol levels.
- Excessive calorie intake can cause hypertension, which raises the risk of heart disease,coronary artery diseases, atherosclerosis, and stroke.
Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD):
Diets rich in calories, particularly those high in fructose and refined carbohydrates,.
It can lead to buildup fat in the liver, which results in NAFLD.
Some types of cancer:
Obesity and poor dietary decisions linked to high-calorie diets can raise the chance of developing various malignancies, including pancreatic, colon, and breast cancer.
Metabolic Syndrome:
High-calorie diets can lead to the metabolic syndrome.
It may cause the collection of illnesses that include obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and abnormal cholesterol levels.
Gallstones and gallbladder diseases:
by high-calorie diets particularly saturated fats. exacerbated the formation of gallstones.
The gallstones may caue the different diseases of gal bladder.
Some other disease that are indirectly connected with high calorie diet such as:
A high-calorie diet-induced obesity.
Obesity may increases the risk of osteoarthritis by putting more strain on joints.
sleep apnea:
A disorder that is characterised by breathing pauses while a person is asleep.
Obesity, which is frequently brought on by high-calorie meals, may factor of sleep apne.
Although a high-calorie diet is a risk factor for certain chronic diseases. But, there are additional factors to consider such as life style, quality of diet and personal conditions.
In which diseases person needs high calorie diet:
- Severe burns or trauma
- cancer
- Anorexia nervosa: Or eating disorder; created by an intense fear of gaining weight.
- Inflammatory bowel diseases include Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, or malabsorption disorder.
- Cachexia: a medical condition in which muscle wasting and weight loss occur.
- Under wieght: such as children, pregnant women, lactating mothers etc.
- Hyperthyroidism: to overcome the symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as weight loss, fatigue, etc; the patient may need a high-calorie diet.
- Cystic fibrosis: in this genetic disease, people may have difficulty breathing and absorbing nutrients. To meet the full nutrient criteria, people may need a high-calorie diet.
The best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases caused by a high-calorie diet:

Some researchable helpful points here for giving help you to make strategy:
Increase the water intake:
It decreases you appetite. Or food lovers or who are habitual to take heavy meal. Especially drinking water before meal decease their hungry feeling, and automatically decrease the high calorie diet. It is very beneficial for diabetes and high cholesterol level patient. Because in diabetes patient feel more hungers and taking large amount of meal become harmful and increase sugar level.
Water itself act as universal medicine. It is most nutritive drink for health. Water is also a tool to aid in flushing out toxins through urine and sweat.
Take a salad to serve with vinegar:
Garnish your salad with vinegar gives you 2 benefits:
1- salad act as a healthy and low-calorie meal and
2- vinegar decreases hunger feeling so automatically decreases the intake of a high-calorie diet.
Use olives :
Making full with olives is such a wonderful full healthy diet or the best substitute for a high-calorie diet.
Best for burning calories. Physical activity is mandatory for getting good health and long healthier life. Further, necessary to avoid chronic diseases.
Avoid tobacco:
It may cause severe chronic diseases such as cardiovascular, cataracts, sexual dysfunction, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
limit your sugar intake:
Avoid sugary beverages essential to avoid diabetes, heart diseases etc.
limit your unsaturated fats intake:
Take sturated fats including omega 3 fatty acids intake is also necessary to avoid chronic diseases such as blood preesure, stroke etc.
limit processed food:
Processed food have low nutritive value. Further, it contans high amount of sugar and fats.
Intake of high amounts of fiber
It contains high amount of nutrients. It gives feel full longer. Moreover, It helps in relieving constipation and other digestive problems.
A healthy or balanced diet at a good time:
Take a healthy breakfast. That will consist of healthy protein, carbs, and, fats. This healthy breakfast gives you the best fuel to do energetically task the whole day.
Control your portion sizes to prevent consuming too many calories. Overeating can be avoided. Hunger can be managed by eating smaller, more frequent meals.
It will also consist of a considerable amount of fruits and vegetables. As these contain an increase in the number of antioxidants; That help in preventing many cancers and enhance the immune system.
It may also consist of plant proteins. An adequate amount of protein approx 20-30 gms per day, should add in a healthy diet. Although, protein plant proteins have more benefits than animal proteins.
Take healthier drinks than soda drink:
Take healthier milk such as skim milk or low fat curd. It is better than to take soda and other drinks. That has numerous side effects, may cause chronic diseases such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, and obesity. As it does ‘nt have nutritional value. It is just the extra load of calories and cause high glycemic index.
Avoid high levels of sodium intake:
High intake of sodium may cause hyertension and other cardiovasular diseases. WHO recommended 1.7 gm of sodium per day; not exceeded this.
Health Checkups:
Arrange routine health examinations with your doctor to track your weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and other vital signs.
Control Stress:
Long-term stress might result in emotional eating and bad dietary decisions. Use methods to reduce stress, such as yoga, meditation, or relaxing hobbies.
Get Enough Sleep:
Aim for 7-9 hours of good sleep every night. As insufficient sleep can impact appetite hormones and result in weight gain.
Education and Support:
To help you make healthier decisions and maintain motivation, learn about nutrition. Addiotionally, ask for advice from healthcare professionals, nutritionists, or support groups.
How healthy amount of calories you need depends upon the:
- Age
- Sex
- Height
- Physical activity level
It is concluded that a modified diet plan and lifestyle changes may abruptly decrease the cause of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases. In addition, actively exercising daily rather than being confined in one place may also be good for health and prevent many chronic diseases.
Which is the best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases caused by a high calorie diet ,I have described; but it is essential to care all points which is related to good health.
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