pros and cons of meditation

​22 Pros and Cons of Meditation

Reflective Thoughts 1 year ago 176 View

As we know, meditation has many positive effects on a healthy mind and body. For thousands of years, people do meditate and get benefited from it. Moreover, as we consider its benefits, but certain drawbacks also here. Certain Pros and cons of meditation we discussed here.

how do you get the best vinegar uses

How do you get the best vinegar uses

Reflective Thoughts 1 year ago 117 View

Let’s explore what is vinegar used for and implement it to solve life’s troubles. But the question arises, how do you get the best vinegar uses? You will solve his query in this blog.

how sweet and harsh words impact on heart

Sweet or Harsh words impact on heart

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 220 View

Yes, words never die spiritually and scientifically!

Harsh, Hard, and bitter words tear the heart. Its scratch or scar may remain throughout life Vice versa sweet words may conquer the cardiac world. Harsh-teary-hearted words may cause the days of life to the night of the throne. Over time, it may decrease the intensity of pain. But the scar may remain.
