Solving the complicated track of life, puzzling out the riddles of success, and achieving the legend goal. Man becomes tired and not willing to step forward. Moreover, hard to stairs up success. Take a rest. Deep breathing inhaling and exhaling exercise. Sit in a calm environment. Focus your attention goal point. Lay down all the thoughts or the line of thinking. Think about love and kindness.
These are elements of Meditation. It improves and maintains your energy for achieving the goals and Puzzles out the problem. What are meditation and its excellent benefits?
Meditation Urdu means Muraqba. It is practiced in every religion and viewed as the most essential and fundamental exercise of spiritualism.
Meditation and its excellent benefits:
Meditation is a state of mind in which one remains connected with one’s inner self or boosts the spiritual state. It is the practice of focusing the mind in a peaceful, calm, and relaxing universe.
Why is Meditation good?
What are the benefits? How we get these benefits? We all know that the continuous firing of pessimistic thoughts may spend, waste, or destroy our vital energy. When power is consumed excessively, the body’s immune system is weaker, and we humans may fall into a storm of diseases.
When the nervous system may suffer energy depletion, mental activities become slower, memory gets affected, and one fails to achieve the desired goals of one’s life; this may also confuse thoughts and mental complexities, eventually resulting in nervous system diseases. The diseases of the heart, Cholelithiasis (stone in the gall bladder), and nephrolithiasis (stone in the kidney) may also relate to mental complexities.
Continuous bombarding of thoughts, stress, and tension may deteriorate the nervous system.
Negative thoughts may also be the reason for peptic ulcer, acidity, and stomach problems such as constipation and diarrhea.
To get peace, people may adopt alternating tracks such as alcoholic drinks, drugs, and tranquilizers. These may also damage and weakens the nervous system.
For preventing the clouds of diseases, preventing stress, keeping life calm, and remaining inside peaceful. Meditation is mandatory.
What are the excellent benefits of Meditation?
Meditation has the following physiological and
psychological benefits:
- Control blood pressure
- Decrease and cholesterol level
- Increase in the vital force of life
- Enhance creativity
- Improved cardiac health
- Better hearing
- Strengthen immune system
- Causing a decrease in emotional excitement and depression
- Decreased irritation
- Increased red blood cells
- Improvement of memory
- Enhance decision and willpower
- Relief of insomnia provides a better quality of sleep
- Terminating the negative feelings and worrying thoughts.
Continuous, long-term, good-quality Meditation may achieve the desired results.
How to meditate and six basic elements in 6 simple steps?
During the fast riding of the life, the tract does brake. Take rest. See, inside; you are yours for knowing self-personality do Meditation. Let’s explore the elements and procedures of Meditation to achieve the excellent benefits of meditation.
Step 1
Vacated mind and focusing point:
Relax and let all the thoughts come to mind except the intended focusing point, which is to be imagined.
Step 2
Timing and atmosphere selection:
The more conducive environment, the more easily successful in concentrating the focus point other than non-important thoughts. The background should be calm and peaceful and not be overcrowded.
The temperature should be moderate, not too high or cold.
The timing suitable for Meditation is
Early in the morning, before sunrise
In the afternoon
In the evening before and after sunset
After midnight
Midnight is the most appropriate time, and I prefer the time between sunset and sunrise.
Meditation should start in a relaxed and peaceful manner
Step 3
Postures of Meditation:
The posture should be comfortable and easy. The body should not be tense and restless and may not feel the pose as long as one remains in Meditation.
Cross legs sitting posture
Sitting on hams
Step 4
After sitting in a comfortable posture in a relaxed and calm environment keeping the back and head in the exact alignment without creating any stress, empty your lungs, exhaling through both nostrils.
VERY SLOWLY start inhaling through nostrils as much as the lungs are filled with air
Without holding your breath, start exhaling through the mouth. This inhaling and exhaling make one cycle. Complete eleven cycles of inhaling and exhaling, which can be gradually increased to twenty–one processes.
Step 5
Take notice if your mind is distracted from the focusing point; turn back the wandering mind into the main focusing targeting point.
Step 6
Terminating the Meditation by slowly opening your eyes with gentleness, feeling inside and around you. You feel fresh and feel mindfulness.
That’s the practice of Meditation should increase gradually.

Frequently ask a question.
What is the dark side of Meditation?
It may be detached from the actual happening. You may deceive yourself by imagining those things which are not related to originality. You are in control of your illustrating world.
When should I not meditate?
Meditation, .no doubt, helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. If it works magnificently, continue it; if it doesn’t, stop it and consult your doctor.
What is the end goal of Meditation?
When you feel bringing your inner self and soul significantly closer, you experience everlasting peace of mind experience. You may achieve the goal of Meditation.
Make a habit of Meditation daily. I meditate daily and have a positive response to mindfulness.
Meditation is the exercise to restore your energy, freshen your soul, and energize your mind to achieve the goal. Breathing exercise is also efficient for maintaining health as it maintains blood circulation and nurtures good health. Hence, explore what are meditation and its excellent benefits!
A healthy, better, and calm life is the dream of everyone. Try to experience it and implement the elements of Meditation in your daily life.
[…] Meditation increased prefrontal cortex activity leading to better executive function, decreased amygdala activity, less stress and anxiety; increased insula activity leading to better body-mind integration; and increased activity in the default mode network leading to better self-awareness and introspection. […]
[…] , the meditation benefits have under the cap of tremendous and long-term research. Every research shows that meditation has a […]