Inner peace and wellness    

Inner peace and wellness    

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 171 View

Inner peace and wellness are both connected. Peace is like assurgent tides ocean in the heart, gives calm and soothes the soul. Inner peace! How precious it is

A reason to live, a reason to die

A reason to live, a reason to die

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 221 View

You have a superior body, intellectual mind, and growing soul, .so why do you find a reason to die? Go ahead, find your prosperity in different paths, struggle to go, creep run, and move toward your thriving destination in every way. no need to find reason to live.

Depression after cheating on someone

Depression after cheating on someone

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 210 View

Depression after cheating on someone; no one gets good after doing wrong. There are some consequences of how much he suffers guilt, shame, anxiety, and depression after giving cheating.

Depression is anger turned inward 

Depression is anger turned inward                                        

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 177 View

Depression is anger turned inward  :When we feel powerless to express our anger towards someone or something, this inside fire of anger may intensify gradually, and at last, it bursts out in the form of depression.

Anger as a precursor to depression:

Anger as a precursor to depression:

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 160 View

Either Anger is a precursor of depression or a symptom of depression. But an angry man may destroy not only his own health but also make others’ life terrible.

why is peace important?

Why is peace important                                                            

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 152 View

Why is Peace important? You can cinematically predict an unpeace scenario that may cause such devastation; that no one can predict.

Meditation is not what you think: mindfulness and why it is so important

Meditation is not what you think: mindfulness and why it is so important

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 165 View

Meditation is not what you think: mindfulness and why it is important to is easily understood by meditator; and who got excellent results.

the science of meditation how to change your brain, mind and body

The science of meditation: how to change your brain, mind and body

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 168 View

.The science of meditation: how to change your Brain, mind and body.

Surprisingly! , the meditation benefits have under the cap of tremendous and long-term research. Every research shows that meditation has a great and positive impact on the Brain.

how childhood trauma affects health across a life time

How childhood trauma affects health across a life time

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 165 View

The man deep dive into the story of childhood traumas series and how childhood trauma affects health across a life time.

what is the best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases by a high calorie diet

Which is the best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases caused by a high calorie diet

Reflective Thoughts 2 years ago 165 View

Which is the best strategy for avoiding chronic diseases caused by a high-calorie diet? It includes intake of whole grains full of fiber, healthy meals, limit unsaturated fats and sugar and colaborate with healthy life style.
